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Pre-semester committee meet ups


Most workshop topics come from a brainstorming session during one of the meet ups.

But how do you think of things to teach?

Brainstorming is a lot easier said than done, here are some general tips:

1. It can be anything

A workshop topic can be anything1 !

  • Have you been working on something interesting over the holidays?
  • Did you see an exciting new web framework?
  • Your friend introduced you to something called Infrastructure as Code?

These are some possible guiding questions you can ask yourself. During the meet up, don't be afraid to bring up anything that comes up in your mind - there's no harm.

2. You don't have to be familiar with the topic

A common misconception or worry when brainstorming is that you might not be familiar enough with the topic to teach it, and that's totally natural.

A workshop is as much of a learning experience for the teaching team as it as for the Overflow members. This is why most workshops are planned at least 2 weeks in advance, so there's ample time for the teaching team to familiarize themselves with the content.

The content covered also doesn't have to be complete, or go deep into the topic. Sometimes, a high level overview is enough!

If you found something that helped your brainstorming process, please feel free to add on to this list!

  1. Anything relevant to technology, of course! 

Last update: August 16, 2023
Created: August 16, 2023
